Happy New Year
Happy New Year Yogi’s!
Its that lovely time of year where we take a moment to reflect and pause on the year past and look forward to the year ahead. This is also the time of year where we get re-organized and settle back into our routines again, and hopefully for this year, a routine involving healthy, positive habits like a yoga practice to help you feel your best day in and day out!
Yoga with Kerry will be undergoing a slight downshift as Kerry prepares to start a full-time 2.5 year graduate school program while continuing to teach Yoga in the Greater Trail community. Kerry is thrilled that she has been accepted into the Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology program at Yorkville University. This is a blended learning program, with the first year of courses being offered online. In terms of the Yoga class offerings, for the winter session (Jan-Mar) the drop-in schedule will remain the same, however, beginning in the Spring Session (Apr-June) classes will change to a registered format with a possibility for a drop-in option. Therefore, those of you with a punch pass, please make sure to use it up before March 23rd!
Details for the upcoming Yoga with Kerry Winter Session Program:
1) Winter Session Drop-in Schedule (Jan 11th –Mar.23rd ): Classes begin Jan.11th!
2) Lunch Yoga Session (registered class)
3) Winter Workshops (Feb.28th & April 10th)
4) Sunday Private Sessions
5) Yoga with Kerry on Social Media!
1) Winter Session Drop-in Class Schedule
(Jan 11th –Mar.23rd) 12 week session
Winter Session begins the week of Jan.11th!
All classes held at the KP Hall. Drop-in $14/10x pass $125
*New students always welcome!
Mondays @6:45pm Yoga for Peace
A soothing, restorative based candlelit yoga class for all levels. Yoga for Peace will incorporate gentle movements, calming flowing sequences, relaxing breathwork, deep stretches, easy meditation, and deep relaxation. This class is intelligently designed to help you relax and let go on a deep layer and help you find a sense of ease, steadiness and peace within your body and mind.
*Please note: Class is cancelled on Family Day Holiday (Feb.8th)
Tuesdays @9:30am Therapeutic Yoga
A blend of yoga therapy practices with the intention to give you space mentally and physically! In each Therapeutic Yoga class you can expect quality movements from the Somatics exercise series, Joint Freeing Series, and intelligently designed gentle flowing yoga movements for improved physical movement, strength, and suppleness. As well, each themed class will incorporate mindful breathing practices, easy meditations, and guided relaxation for a comprehensive mind/body practice for all levels.
Wednesdays @6:45pm Slow Flow Yoga
Enjoy a mellow, flowing yoga class to help you connect body, breath and mind in this all levels flow yoga class. Each themed class will incorporate flowing sequences and postures that build towards a peak pose to help build strength, focus, and suppleness. Following the peak pose will be a series of longer held stretches to help release tensions and allow the mind to begin settling into the moment. Classes will also include a variety of breathing practices, easy meditations and deep relaxation. Slow Flow Yoga is a moderately paced class and is not recommended if you are currently dealing with any injuries.
2) Lunch Flow Yoga (Registered Class)
Tuesdays Jan.19th-March 8th (8 weeks ) KP Hall $85
*Please Pre-Register for this class! If enough students register (and pre-pay) class will open for drop-in students.
Join Kerry for a fun, midday flow yoga class! Each themed class will begin with gentle, flowing warm-ups leading towards more dynamic movements with variations of Sun Salutations. Once the body and mind are warmed up we will settle into longer held stretches then complete the mind/body practice with a calming relaxation and meditation. Classes are progressive and we will build from week to week. All levels welcome. As this has dynamic flowing movements this class is not recommended if you are currently dealing with any injuries.
3) Winter Workshops
All workshops held at the KP Hall, Trail (942 Eldorado St.)
*Please pre-register and Pre-pay to ensure workshops run! Register at www.kerryyoga.com
i) Getting Unstuck part 1: Move with greater ease and freedom through somatics, joint freeing series and purposeful stretching techniques. Sunday Feb.28th 3-6pm $60
ii) Getting Unstuck part 2: Everyday Mindfulness practices for improved mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Sunday April 10th 3-6pm $60
4) Sunday Private Sessions
Kerry will be available for Private Yoga Sessions on Sundays at either 9:30am or 4pm. Please make sure to book online at www.kerryyoga.com . It is recommended to book a minimum of 3 sessions to get started.
5. Yoga with Kerry on Social Media
Find out all the latest Yoga with Kerry info and news through 2 different social media sites:
1) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yoga-with-Kerry-117790414981251/
2) Twitter: www.twitter.com/yogawithkerry
In : Yoga E-Newlsetter
Tags: yoga "yoga in trail bc" "yoga therapy" "relaxation yoga" "private yoga lessons" "yoga workshops" "lunch yoga" "winter yoga schedule"