Spring Registration is Now OPEN!
Happy Spring Yogi’s!
Registration is now open for all Spring Yoga with Kerry classes.
*Please take a moment to review the class and workshop offerings and to check out and to become familiar with the registration process. www.kerryyoga.com
Getting Started Basic Reminders:
· All classes, workshops and private yoga lessons are now offered through pre-registration via www.kerryyoga.com.
· Classes and workshops will only run if there are enough students pre-registered.
· Once classes have reached a minimum number of participants, the yoga classes will then be open for drop-ins.
· Payment can be made at the time of registration through PayPal or in person by cash/cheque (payable to Yoga with Kerry).
· All classes and workshops are held at the KP Hall, Trail (942 Eldorado St.)
Yoga Workshop:
“Getting Unstuck: Emotionally/Mentally”
Sunday April 10th 3-6pm $60
Everyday Mindfulness practices for improved mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing. This workshop will explore the ways of our mind and practice techniques for cultivating greater awareness of our patterns, habits and conditionings. As well as learn through education and practice techniques for letting go and "Getting Unstuck" while simultaneously developing positive, healthy new habits of the mind to build greater resiliency and self-regulation. This workshop will include self-awareness practices, guided meditation, educational component, relaxation techniques, Yoga Nidra and breathing techniques.
Yoga Classes:
8 week sessions April 11th-June 6th
Yoga for Peace Monday 6:45-8pm $95 (No class on Victoria Day Holiday May 23rd)
A soothing, restorative-based candlelit yoga class for all levels. Yoga for Peace will incorporate gentle movements, calming flowing sequences, relaxing breathwork, deep stretches, easy meditation, and deep relaxation. This class is intelligently designed to help you relax and let go on a deep layer and help you find a sense of ease, steadiness and peace within your body and mind.
Therapeutic Yoga Tuesdays 9:30-11am $100
What is Yoga Therapy? Yoga Therapy is a therapeutic mind-body practice for specialized conditions and issues and is relevant practice for anyone seeking mind/body self-development. In this Yoga Therapeutic class we will explore a variety of these Yoga Therapy tools and practices to help empower you in your self-care practices. These tools are designed as effective mindfulness techniques to help release stress and build resiliency physically, mentally and emotionally. In these classes you can expect to practice mindful movement, somatic exercises, joint freeing movement, variety of breathwork practices, meditation practices, hand mudra’s, yoga Nidra, and deep relaxation. This class is relevant for all students especially those of limited mobility and wishing to build strength and balance.
Lunch Flow Yoga Tuesdays 12:05-12:55pm $85
A complete yoga practice with mindful movement, intelligent/skillful sequencing, breathwork, meditation and relaxation. A great way to center and ground during your lunch break to help rejuvenate and refresh for your afternoon ahead!
Slow Flow Yoga Wednesdays 6:45-8pm $95
In this slowed down version of Vinyasa Flow Yoga we will explore mindful movement through a traditional Vinyasa format, but slowed down to connect a little more with the breath and the experience in the moment. These classes will be intelligently designed sequences using optimal alignment and awareness as you move fluidly towards a peak pose. We will explore a variety of physical postures as well as breathwork, meditation, and deep relaxation. These classes are relevant for students with some yoga experience as well as students without any physical injuries. Slow Flow Yoga is a great class for anyone needing movement to help them relax as well as for athletes (weekend warriors, too!) looking for mind/body balance in their athletic programs.
In : Yoga E-Newlsetter
Tags: yoga flow relaxation stretch trail "yoga with kerry" kerryyoga "yoga therapy" "yoga in trail"