Yoga with Kerry

Showing Tag: " "relaxation yoga"" (Show all posts)

New Yoga Therapy Class and Series!!

Posted by Kerry Turner on Monday, October 28, 2024, In : Yoga E-Newlsetter 
** New Yoga Therapy Series with Kerry Lee, RYT, RCC

6 week series   $115 (inc GST)

Nov. 4th - Dec. 12th

Please note: Max class size is now reduced to only 10 students to give you more space and freedom of movement


Mellow Flow Yoga

Wed 5:30-6:45pm Madhu (Rossland) *6 spaces left

Yoga for Peace

Mon 6:45-8pm Movin’ Mountains (Trail) *3 spaces left

Wed 7-8:15pm Madhu (Rossland)   *3 spaces left

Morning Flow Yoga

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Yoga Therapy Series #2

Posted by Kerry Turner on Saturday, October 1, 2022, In : Yoga E-Newlsetter 
Happy October yoga students!!

Yoga Therapy series #1 is well on its way and students have been asking about registration for session #2 starting in November. Registration for Session #2 is now open and you can register online at Class details are below!

Yoga therapy series is a progressive series of classes that build on your learning each week. Concepts and techniques will be taught and reviewed each week for you to gain new skills and have opportunities to practice your lea...

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Yoga is back!! Almost....

Posted by Kerry Turner on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, In : Yoga E-Newlsetter 
Hello again!!

I apologize for the lack of communication while I attempt to ride out covid cycles affecting yoga (and many) businesses! Please rest assured that even though you have not heard from me in a while, I have been thinking of you and thinking of creative ways to get yoga therapy group classes up and running again!

Covid created a start-stop cycle for many in the yoga business, and before I get too excited, I wanted to make sure that this most recent green light to start classes...

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Happy New Year

Posted by Kerry Turner on Saturday, January 2, 2016, In : Yoga E-Newlsetter 

Happy New Year Yogi’s!


Its that lovely time of year where we take a moment to reflect and pause on the year past and look forward to the year ahead. This is also the time of year where we get re-organized and settle back into our routines again, and hopefully for this year, a routine involving  healthy, positive habits like a yoga practice to help you feel your best day in and day out!

Yoga with Kerry will be undergoing a slight downshift as Kerry prepares to start a f...

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