Janet Fraser

Owner/Operator of "Out of the Cellar", Rossland 

Halfmoon Yoga Supplies


Evergreen Physiotherapy 

Trail, BC 

Dr. Janet Fisher


Jana Roy 

Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher 


Amber Hayes

Business Coach

Lift Business Coaching  




Lizette Tucker, RMT     

Massage Therapist  

West Kootenay Massage Therapist     250-368-5300


Natasha Lockey  

Women's Progressive Action Sports Community

Bettygohard       250-231-4305  www.BettyGoHard.Com


Dr. Brenda Gill        

Naturapathic Physician, Rossland, BC



Sarah Taylor 

Occupational Therapist and Structural Integration practitioner, Rossland, BC

250-362-2291 www.thelivingline.ca


Renee Furlotte

Furlotte Photography, Fruitvale, BC 




Melissa Hemphill

Holistic Nutritionist, Revelstoke, BC




Registration and Insurance

Yoga Alliance 


Lackner McLennan Insurance Ltd. 



Inspirational Teachers & Mentors

Teachers who motivated me to start practicing Yoga:

Kimberly Beck, Lydia Zamorano, Maria Mattei

Teachers who taught me to teach Yoga:

Trinity Yoga Team: Jennifer Steed, Trevor Yelich, Mary-Jo Fetterly, Anna Colin, Ali Bogard, Tricia Wilson, Laurie Madison

Teachers who helped further my learning: 

IYT team: Beth Gibbs, Joseph LePage, Lillian LePage, Maria KaLima, Debra Jensen, Jennifer Reis

Nischala Joy Devi, Dr. Timothy McCall, Rolf Sovik, Richard Miller, Kelly McGonigall, Kreg Weiss, Bo Forbes, Devinder Kaur, Rod Stryker, Brad Waites, Susi Hately, Linda Graham, Rick Hanson, 

Teachers who inspire and motivate my teaching:

Jason Crandell, Martin Kirk, Elissa Gumushel, Swami Radhananda, Ray Long, T.K.V. Desikachar, Swami Sivanada Radha, Patanjali Jois, Eliza Gooderham, Kelly McGonigall, Nischala Devi, Pema Chodron, Devinder Kaur, Susi Hately, Lesley Kaminoff, Max Strom, Seane Corn, Doug Swenson, David Swenson

*and all my students and people I meet and interact with on a daily basis who provide me with inspiration and motivation to learn, grow and teach!