Seva - Selfless Service


Summer 2011 Yoga in the Park

raised $356.00 for the SPCA!!


Seva refers to selfless service and is a big part of the Yoga lifestyle.

The ultimate goal in a yoga practice is to develop greater awareness peace, harmony and happiness within and then move mindfully without, to share your blissful experience, knowledge and passion with others. Therefore Yoga becomes more than just about you, it becomes apart of your relationships, family, community and the world.

There are many ways to give back, to contribute and be apart of your community. Volunteering your time, knowledge and expertise is a great way to see the world with a new perspective, to be apart of soemthing bigger than yourself and to develop renewed passion for life and people.

With so many fundraisers and charity events it can become daunting in your efforts to help others and support your community. I suggest picking one or two organizations and focussing your attention on them.

One of my passions is helping animals in need. I like to support the SPCA as they are a wonderful organization supported mainly by hardworking volunteers and community donations. Each summer I offer my time, knowledge and expertise as a Yoga Teacher and share my passion for the outdoors, yoga and animals by offering Yoga in the Park by donation for the SPCA.

Pick a worthwhile cause, and allow yourself to be apart of the community by volunteering, donating, or sharing yoru time and expertise. Everyone has something to offer!


Hike and Yoga series

with Natasha Lockey, and Kerry Turner

Enjoy a beautiful afternoon exploring our beautiful trail network, with a 1/2 hour relaxing yoga sesion on the top of the mountain! A wonderful to meet people, to get active and experience the joy of being outdoors! Each 2.5 hour session is finished with delicious treats!

Fall Sessions 2011 (Oct. 2011)

Spring Session 2012 (TBA)   

For more information and to register please contact Natasha Lockey 250-231-4305