School Physical Education Programs:

Dance, Yoga & Gymnastics


Gymnastics, Dance and Yoga Programs in your school!

As a part of the Physical Education curriculum, it is recommended to include individual movement activities such as Dance, Gymnastics and Yoga. Dance and Gymnastics are required as 2 of the 5 elements in the elementary Physical Education curriculum.

Classes can be offered as a supplement to your Physical Education program or as a extracurricular activities for your students and staff.

Kerry Turner is a Certified Teacher and is also certified as a NCCP level 2 Gymnastics Coach, Dance Teacher and Yoga Teacher.  

Please review the following brochure and see if these programs would be a fit in your school.

Classes are $50 per class and can be 1 session or a series of sessions to best suit your physical education program.

For more information or for booking, please e-mail Kerry at

or call

250-512-YOGI (9644)


Check out the Yoga in the Schools feature in the Trail Daily Times:


Yoga in the Schools Program Survey: 

Online Yoga Survey


Please provide the following survey to your students so we can track the success of the Yoga in the Schools program! Either open the surveymonkey link below or take the survey directly off of this website by clicking on the link below.

Thank you kindly


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